What is meant by the phrase "Think For Money" ? Does it mean that you can just think about money and suddenly start getting more of it? Or perhaps someone has discovered a way to get paid to think, no matter the subject? Sadly, neither scenario defines what "Think For Money" is all about. The real answer to our question is even more exciting!
It's All In Your Head
Whatever you decide to do with your life, whoever you decide to date or marry, whatever occupation you choose, in fact, no matter what you do, where you do it or who you do it with, there will be one thing in common. Each action will begin with a thought!
The pursuit of money is the same. However we go about making money, whether it is on-line or some other way, it all begins with our thoughts. Every achievement you've had and every dollar you've ever earned had it's beginning in an idea!
You Are What You Think
It has been said that "Thoughts are things" and powerful things they are! Most people agree that when you allow yourself to focus on something continually it will bring about an affect of some kind in your life. For example, go around constantly thinking "I am sick" and it wouldn't be surprising if you actually got sick. The mind is an incredible instrument and if allowed, or directed, to focus it's thoughts in a particular direction, changes in your life will happen. So how can you use your mind and direct your thoughts in such a way that you can obtain more money? It is important to understand that the thought, or idea, in your mind is just the beginning. We must take this thought and blend it with an intense desire! We will explore this process further in the next post so stay tuned!
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